During your time studying at RGU, it is possible that you may encounter financial hardship. If you do, you are encouraged to reach out for support. First of all, you are advised to contact RGU Student Finance and speak with a Financial Aid Officer. They can be contacted at studentfinance@rgu.ac.uk or by phone on 01224 262127 or 01224 262126.
UK students who are experiencing financial difficulty may be eligible for additional funds from the Discretionary Fund which is available for students in financial hardship at the time of making application. Awards are made in the form of a grant which does not need to be repaid and are intended to assist with basic living expenses, study-related costs and travel to and from RGU (the Discretinoary Fund cannot be used for the payment of tuition fees). To check eligibility for the fund click here.
EU and international students are not eligible to apply to the Discretionary Fund However, if you are in financial difficulty due to COVID-19, you may be eligible for other funds. Contact RGU Student Finance and speak with a Financial Aid Officer for options available to you.
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This page has been updated for academic session 2021-2022.