
The information on this page is related to complaints regarding Robert Gordon University If you wish to make a complaint about RGU:Union, consult our complaints procedure and/or use the contact form).

Complaints are taken extremely seriously by RGU and you should aim to inform them of any concerns that you have as soon as possible.

If you intend to submit a complaint, you should refer to the RGU Complaints Handling Procedure to ensure that, firstly, a complaint is the right course of action (remember a complaint is not for appealing a decision of an Assessment Board), and secondly, to ensure that you are fully aware of what the procedure for handling complaints involves.

  • Complaints

    RGU defines complaints as an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more of their students, other service users or members of the public about RGU’s action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of RGU. Some common basis for complaints include:

    Failure/Refusal to provide a service.
    Inadequate quality/standard of service.
    Unreasonable delay in providing a service.
    The quality of facilities/learning resources.
    Dissatisfaction with one of RGU policies or its impact on the individual.
    Failure to properly apply law, procedure or guidance when delivering services.
    Failure to follow the appropriate administrative process.
    Conduct, treatment by or attitude of a member of RGU staff.

    Any complaint may involve more than one RGU service or be about someone working on RGU's behalf. For further examples and information regarding basis for complaints, please see the RGU Complaints Handling Procedure.

  • Making a Complaint

    If you want to make a complaint you can do so in person to any member of RGU staff, by phone, in writing and via email. It is easier for RGU to resolve complaints when they are raised quickly and made directly to the service concerned, and so, try to raise your concerns with a relevant staff member, tutor, university representative or school office as soon as you can. If you are unsure who to make your complaint to or are uncomfortable in making your complaint directly to the service concerned, you can email to make initial contact regarding a complaint.

    When submitting a complaint, aim to include your personal details (full name, contact details and RGU enrolment number if applicable), as much detail as possible about the complaint (relevant dates, times, names of those involved), what has gone wrong and what outcome you are seeking. Aim to make a complaint within six months from finding out you have a reason to complain or six months from the event, that you wish to complain about, taking place. RGU may accept a complaint after six months in exceptional circumstances where it is felt the time limit should not apply to the complaint.

    You can seek advice on submitting a complaint from RGU:Union Advice & Support or the RGU Department for Governance and Academic Quality. If you are unable, or reluctant, to make a complaint yourself, RGU accepts complaints from a complainant's representative (friend, relative or an advocate) but you will need to have given them written consent to complain for you. For more information on making a complaint, please see the RGU Complaints Handling Procedure.

  • Complaints Procedure

    Once a complaint has been made, RGU will consider the complaint in one or two stages – Stage 1: Frontline Response and Stage 2: Investigation.

    • Stage 1: Frontline Response: This stage is to consider complaints which are straightforward and require little investigation so that they can be resolved quickly. Resolution at this stage could mean an on-the-spot apology and explanation if something has clearly gone wrong, or immediate action to resolve the problem. You should receive any decision at stage 1 within five working days (unless there are exceptional circumstances). Where a complainant remains dissatisfied with a response at stage 1, the complaint can be submitted to stage 2 - aim to make a stage 2 complaint within two months of receiving your stage 1 response or within six months from finding out you have a reason to complain or six months from the event, that you wish to complain about, taking place.

    • Stage 2: Investigation: This stage is to consider complaints which have either gone through stage 1 but the complainant remains dissatisfied or for complaints which clearly require investigation (you can request a complaint be directly handled at stage 2). When a complaint is submitted to stage 2, RGU will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within three working days, confirm their understanding of the complaint, investigate and consider what outcome the complainant is looking for. RGU will try to resolve the complaint where possible (in some cases they may suggest using an alternative complaint resolution approach, such as mediation). In the instance RGU cannot resolve a complaint, they will provide a full response normally within 20 working days. RGU will keep you updated if their investigation will take longer than 20 working days.

    After RGU have provided you with their final decision from stage 2, if you are still dissatisfied with the decision or the way RGU dealt with your complaint, you can ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to consider the case.

  • Report & Support

    RGU:Union and RGU have a zero tolerance approach to sexual violence and harassment, and so if the nature of a complaint involves sexual violence, bullying and/or harassment, Report and Support can be used to report something anonymously and/or get support from an advisor.

    If you are not in a safe place, feel at risk, or have any injuries that require urgent attention, call the emergency services (999). If you need a safe space or support from the University, on or off campus, call the Emergency Response Team (+44 (0) 7854 199 020) whose number is available 24/7 for staff, students or other informants who need to report a serious incident that requires immediate and urgent response by the University.

If you have any questions/concerns regarding RGU complaints contact the RGU Department for Governance and Academic Quality or RGU:Union Advice & Support.

Contact RGU:Union Advice & Support via the below links or via the chat-widget on this page. If you wish to help improve our service, provide feedback by completing our questionnaire.


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This page has been updated for academic session 2021-2022.