Ted Bundy was an American serial killer who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls across America during the 1970’s. After denying his involvement with the crimes, he later confessed to as many as 30 murders in 4 years, although his true victim count is unknown. Many of his victims described him as charming and handsome possibly earning Bundy their trust.
His Modus Operandi (method of the crime) would be to approach the potential victim in a public place before overpowering them in a secluded location to which the victim was lured to. He also performed sexual acts on the deceased and had decapitated 12 of his victims. He was eventually captured after two escapes from jail and faced multiple homicide, kidnapping, aggravated assault and rape charges. His death was administred by the electric chair at Florida State Prison on January 24th, 1989.
There has been big debate over the release a movie based on Ted Bundy. Zac Efron will play the part of the chilling serial killer. Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile will be released on Netflix in 2019, inspired by the recent documentary series The Ted Bundy Tapes which was released on the same platform.
Many viewers were outraged, lambasting it for glorifying serial killers. Those against the film argued 'imagine you had a daughter that was raped and murdered and then just decades later an edgy thriller about the man who did this is made, where he’s portrayed as impressive and cool rather than evil' with some stating that they wouldn't watch it based on the principle that it made a serial killer into celebrities. One person who disagreed with the criticisms argued that people were missing the point as Ted Bundy was well known to be incredibly charming and manipulative.
It’s difficult to create an accurate depiction of him without inadvertently seeming to glamorize him. He was a fascinating character who may pose as a serious oppertunity to explore the human mind. The man was a monster but that is why it is vital to know him so that we may understand how he did what he did.
Here’s a link to the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v38MNmDcgrM