Aberdonian indie rock band, The Black Tiles, are releasing their debut EP, In Forever, and will perform it for the first time in the Vulture Lounge tomorrow night.
Aberdonian indie rock band, The Black Tiles, are releasing their debut EP, In Forever, and will perform it for the first time in Aberdeen tomorrow night. The band formed just over a year ago and have spent the year performing live in venues around the city.
The premiere will take place at 7.30pm in Vulture Lounge, on the Rosemount Viaduct, and it will also feature a music video.
The four-piece band, vocalist Tilly O'Connor. Kieran Henderson guitarist, Jan Koroluk on bass guitar and drummer Liam Watson, will then be travelling down to Glasgow to perform at The Buff Club on the 18th and then to Liverpool for a show at The Green Room on the 25th.
Hard copies of the EP can be purchased at gigs, or ordered on MusicGlue. The EP will also be available on Spotify by the end of the month.
The EP will feature three tracks, the first one 'Forever' is a very deep and emotional song with a really nice bass solo, which is always a good thing! It is followed by 'Frequencies', the high tonality perfectly compliments the lead’s voice raising you high in the clouds. The final song, 'In the Dark' is an easy, more leisurely song that almost makes you feel like you’re taking a Sunday stroll.
The gig tomorrow will feature other acts such as Vansleep, Kai Campbell and Molly MacLeod. Artist, Penny Downes, will also be showcasing her visual work that The Black Tiles commissioned for their single 'Frequencies'.
It is sure to be a good night of music and visual art, what better way to spend your Friday night?

Get your tickets: https://www.skiddle.com/whats-on/Aberdeen/Vulture-Lounge/Black-Tiles---In-Forever-EP-Launch/13077448/
Check out their YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDMaLHOHBoggVEkq8ouUvow/featured - Don’t forget to like and subscribe!