The superhero era is now! With so many movies, TV series, comics being released and announced, one can get lost within this marvellous universe. So we’ve created a this beginner's guide to help.
DC Comics and Marvel have been around since the 1930s with their popularity going up and down through the ages, but now in 2016 it has reached a new peak. The superhero era is now! With so many movies, TV series, comics being released and announced, one can get lost within this marvellous universe. That’s why we’ve created a little TV guide for you, who are interested in looking for the next series to binge. This ranking list is only a one man’s opinion, but hopefully it will be helpful for some of you.

9. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Marvel)
I love Joss Whedon’s work, I loved to find out more about S.H.I.E.L.D., but this series didn’t really work for me, I tried. If you are interested in seeing more of Phil Coulson and other agens, then it might be for you.

8. Gotham (DC)
The origin story for many of the characters in the Batman universe. The series however focuses on James Gordon, who’s a great and important character, but the series focuses on him too much. I would’ve loved to see the different characters get more screen time. It is not bad, but not particularly good either. Great if you are a big fan of Hames Gordon and Penguin, this series has a lot of those two.

7. Legends of Tomorrow (DC)
Time travelling, team consisting of heroes and villains trying to save the world – it is a bit odd, but it is worth watching. I’ll reserve my full judgement until I’ve seen more. The series does tie in with The Flash and Arrow making it more interesting.

6. Supergirl (DC)
The last Supergirl we had was in Smallville, who was okay, but the new one is definitely an improvement. Melissa Benoist does a really good job of playing the role of the daughter of Krypton. The series is quite fresh, so far so good. The series recently had a crossover episode with The Flash, which was great.

5. Agent Carter (Marvel)
Remember the badass woman you saw in Captain America: The First Avenger? She got her own TV series, and you know what, it’s really good. Well I am a bit biased as a film noire fan, the series has gotten a lot of inspiration from that genre. The series recently finished its second season and oh did I mention that Jarvis will be in it, he’s the comedic relief character is this series.

4. Arrow (DC)
The story of Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow. This series would’ve been higher on the list, but the series starts off a bit rough, but picks up as the story progresses. The first season seemed to aim for a wider audience to gain good viewing numbers, but it diluted the story a bit too much. But I promise that after you’ll get through the first season you’ll enjoy seeing him clean up the streets of Starling City.

3. Jessica Jones (Marvel)
Netflix really know how to please their fans. With amazing casting, amazing story. The snarky Jessica Jones with her adventures in Hell’s Kitchen and battle against Kilgrave (played by David Tennant) takes the third place. I should also mention that this series is definitely not suitable for watching with your younger cousins.

2. The Flash (DC)
I wasn’t really a fan of The Flash, didn’t think he was an interesting hero, super speed didn’t seem like that interesting superpower, but that all changed, when I saw the series.
One of the main reasons why Marvel is doing so much better in the box office with the movies is because they know how to use comedy even in serious situations, while DC movies are more doom and gloom. But this series has character, it knows how and when to set the mood. This series has comedy, drama, action, suspense. The series also links in really closely with Arrow and it is highly recommended to watch these series side by side. The recommended watching order is: watch Arrow until end of second season, then watch alternate episodes of Arrow season 3 and The Flash season 1.

1. Daredevil (Marvel)
This is the series that all comic book fans had been waiting for. The creators of the series realized we needed a superhero series that shows the story as it is, uncensored. Hell’s Kitchen is an ugly place, and Daredevils story in the comics isn’t any sunshine either, it is full of death, violence and crime. I am not saying that that’s what all series should be like. But Netflix’s Daredevil hit the nail on its head. This series is rather difficult to watch episode by episode, this was made for bingeing.