A campaign to Scottish councils to ban plastic straws in order for a more eco-friendly Scotland has begun.
A Scottish primary school has campaigned their thoughts to the council after a school trip left the youngsters disheartened about the amount of plastic straw wastage that was left on a Highland beach.

The campaign has been successful as a number of council across Scotland have banned plastic straws from their services including cafes in museums, schools and sports centres. This has helped other companies follow suit including Pizza Express, JD Wetherspoon’s and ferry operators North Link and Caledonian MacBryne.
Glasgow council has predicted that the changes will prevent thousands of plastic waste in landfills, rivers and seas which would normally be eaten by wildlife. Companies that are changing their straws will be buying paper straws which are more eco-friendly rather than plastic straws and pre-packaged straws will hopefully follow suit by offering paper straws rather than plastic ones.
Hopefully, Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire councils will follow suit and allow us to enjoy a more eco-friendly Scotland!