Radar met with The Feel Good Society to talk about the meaning of the society, their upcoming events, and how students can get involved.
Radar met with The Feel Good Society to talk about the meaning of the society, their upcoming events, and how students can get involved.
The Feel Good Society’s main principle is to be the society for the demographic of students who want to be part of a group without the drinking culture. FGS hope to empower students who are open-minded and who want to understand the world around them.
Social activities include sushi and cinema nights, watching Netflix, and Youtube videos including TED Talks. Each event is held on Fridays from 6-9pm, and this is a great opportunity for students who do not want to go out drinking and would rather socialise with like-minded people.
FGS, would like to start a guest speaker series. Speakers will come from any topic of interest and the FGS will be a platform for them to share their knowledge. The idea is that this will be a mini RGU TED Talk, to help inspire students.
Kai, President of the FGS, “I want to encourage students to find their place at University within a non-discriminatory surrounding. Our philosophy is, do good and feel good.”
The FGS is looking for new committee members including:
- Social Media co-ordinator
- Events and Social Co-ordinator
- Volunteering Co-ordinator
- Treasurer
Please email the society if you are interested in any of these positions feelgood@rguunion.co.uk
Upcoming Events:
- AGM Friday 13th April at Kaim Cottage
- Film Night: The Theory of Everything, 20th April
- A collaboration with RGU Go Green
- £1 to watch the movie and donations go to the Stephen Hawking School Trust
- Ceilidh on 2nd May at the Blue Lamp
- Tickets are £7.50.
- Band: The Iron Broo Duo
- Everyone is invited, not just society members

Future plans for the FGS include setting up more volunteering opportunities. They hope to be able to post volunteering jobs on their social media pages for members to take part in. More involvement with charities and food shelters is in the process of being organised. This is to provide students with the chance to become a team worker and embrace community spirit within RGU.