Tomorrow there will be an enigmatic array of artwork by 13 students in their 3rd year of Contemporary Art Practice in the Aberdeen Business School.
The work on display will be exploring multiple aspects of some of the major issues concerning us all today, illustrated through a variety of mediums and disciplines.
The previous library space in the back right corner of the IT area will be taken over from tomorrow until Monday, with the opening of the exhibition commencing at 1pm on the 7th December.
There will be refreshments provided, alongside a stall where you can purchase handmade, original pieces by the artists themselves!
Featuring new work from: 
Alexander Campbell
Andrew Meechan
Emanuela Agnoni
Emily Booth
Erica Paterson
Eve McGhee
Indie McCue
Jacob Hoffman
Jenny Milne
Lauren Kay
Leigh Brash
Rory Barclay
Valentina Lauto