Are you stressing out big time over your upcoming internship? Well Radar has some great tips to get you prepared with the right mindset and attitude to take charge of the beginning to your professional life.
Are you pulling your hair out thinking about your upcoming internship? For many, internships are the first opportunity to work in a position outside of retail and foodservice, into the “real world” and the industry that they want to work in after graduation. The pressure to succeed and the associated nerves can be daunting but making a good impression during your internship is easier than you think when you follow a few simple tips.
1. Have a strong work ethic
Employers are looking for people with a strong work ethic. That means putting your all into the work that you are assigned. As an intern no job is beneath you. Treat every task like it is the one step between getting a job and getting into the employment line.

2. Be punctual
Nothing can ruin a reputation quicker than consistently being late. Take into account your travel time and aim to be at your internship 15 minutes before you are required to. Consistently arriving early shows great initiative, enthusiasm and appreciation for the opportunity that you have been given. Don’t throw all your hard work out the window by being the late one.
3. Ask to be included
Ask to be included in projects that are outside your normal scope. Not only will you learn a new skill that you can add to your resume, but you will also knock the socks off of your employer. Employers are looking for people that want to grow and learn. Asking for additional responsibilities is a great way to show that you are engaged.

4. Get off your phone!
Unless you are required to be on your phone as part of your job duties you should not be on your cellphone. Instagram and Twitter will still be there at the end of the workday. Trust Radar, you’re not missing out.
5. Have a positive attitude.
Never underestimate the power of a positive attitude. Nothing can ruin your image faster than constantly complaining and having a bad attitude. No one likes a Negative Nancy and unravelling that impression is an uphill battle. Staying upbeat and positive will leave a lasting good impression on your employer and colleagues and will help you land a fantastic reference when you leave, or maybe even a job.

Internships are a fantastic opportunity to spread your wings, dip you toes into the water of the real world and put to the test what you have been learning at university to the test. Rocking the basics like punctuality, not using your cellphone and being productive and pro-active are things that will make you shine as an intern! They will set the pace for how you will conduct yourself in a professional environment for the rest of your life.