Are you looking to get involved at RGU in 2016/17? Looking for an opportunity to build your CV? Want to develop skills and gain experience? There are a wide range of opportunities that students can get involved with in the coming year.
Faculty Officers
Become a senior representative for Aberdeen Business School, Faculty of Health and Social Care or Faculty of Design and Technology. Faculty officers work to represent students and work to make changes to improve university life. Officers are also paid an honorarium of £150/semester for their work. Applications are open now and will close on Sunday 17th April.
Equality Champions
Equality champions are students who work to improve the experience of students from various underrepresented groups at the university and work on events and projects for those students. If you want to help represent diversity groups, then roles are available for women’s, LGBT+, faith and belief, disability, BME, mature, and postgraduate champions.
International Representatives
International representatives are a new programme that seeks to gather student feedback on issues relating to international students, as well as working to devepop a diverse culture at RGU. There are a range of representatives each year from various schools, and they shall be recruited and appointed in September 2016.
RGU:RAG Committee
RGU:RAG stands for Raising and Giving and is the fundraising arm of RGU:Union. Each year, students run dozens of charity events and projects that seek to raise tens of thousands of pounds for charity. RAG also support societies, sports clubs and student groups with their fundraising, and runs a number of challenge events sending students around the world on charity projects. We are looking for keen students to take on leadership roles in running the group and planning events and activities.
RGU Media Committee
RGU:Union has three seperate media outlets; RGU:Radio, RGU:TV and Radar Magazine. Each is run by students and producing a range of media content from current news, to music, to interests and more. We are looking for students to get involved in running any of these possible outlets.
Class Representatives
The foundations of our representative system is class reps, who are elected from each course and each group. They work to represent the views of their class to the course leader, and wider university. These are vital roles for making chages at the university. Class representatives shall be elected in the classes in September/October 2016