Therapets are back!

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Therapets are back on campus on Tuesday 5th December at the Union!

Sessions will last 20 minutes each between 11:00 - 13:30. Tickets are free, but there is a suggested donation at the door which will go to Therapets.

There are limited spots availabile so make sure to book now! There is a limit of one ticket per person, so if you are looking to come along in pairs or groups, please make sure to book one ticket each.

Therapets Session One - 11am - 11:20am

Therapets Session Two - 11:30am - 11:50am

Therapets Session Three - 12:20pm - 12:40pm

Therapets Session Four - 12:45pm - 1:05pm

Therapets Session Five - 1:10pm - 1:30pm




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