Christmas is over. New Year has come and gone. It's been a cold bitter start to January 2016, and to top it all off, it's been exam month. It's painful, I know. January is the Monday morning of the year, so it's understandable if you are not all brimming with excitement. However, not to worry, I'm here to try and inject a bit of hope and excitement, because if January is the Monday morning of the year, then February is Monday afternoon and pizza and Netflix are on the horizon. Here is 10 things to look forward to in semester two at RGU!

1. Refreshers Week
January is boring, so lets make February more fun! We're kicking it off with Refreshers Week from the 1st - 5th February! This is round two, and it's your time to get pumped up for another semester at RGU! If you missed a chance to come to the legendary Freshers Fayre in September, then the Refreshers Fayre on Thursday 4th February from 11am - 3pm on University Street is the place to go.
If you've not joined a society or sports club yet, then have a word with yourself, and come and sign up at the fayre! Throughout the week, we will also have sports taster sessions, society events, and RGU:Radio is even hosting a live gig on Thursday 4th February, at Downstairs at 7pm. Click here to find out more.

2. SHAG Week is coming!
We know student love a bit of under the sheets action! SHAG Week is all about celebrating sex, but also raising awareness of sexual health. Sexual Health and Guidance Week will have a number of events going on with the theme of sexual health. Remember, RGU:Union also has a free condom service, so if you are ever in need of supplies for some safe fun, pop by the Union!

3. Have your say at the AGM!
Okay, an 'Annual General Meeting' doesn't sound like the most exciting thing in the world. But on the 18th February RGU:Union is giving you your chance to make huge decisions on how it runs. You can submit motions for changes you would like to see, vote on what you would like the union to be working on in the coming year, and ask questions to your elected officers.

4. Granite City Challenge and Boat Race
One of sports highlights of the years is the infamous Granite City Challenge. This is the time of year when the cities rivalries come alive. On Wednesday 23rd March, all of RGU and University of Aberdeen's sports teams shall compete against each other to become Granite City Champions! Not only that, on 12th March, the legendary Aberdeen Asset Management Universities' Boat Race takes place on the River Dee. RGU has won the race for the past six years! Make sure you wear purple with pride and support #TeamRGU in showing UoA who the best university in Aberdeen really is! (P.S. It's RGU. RGU Rules)

5. Election Time
March also sees the return of election fever to Garthdee. Let the poster war commence! It's this time of year when you get to decide who you want to represent you at RGU next year! Would like to be student President? What about being a Vice President? If you want to be involved in leading the students' union, then be sure to find out more about the elections! Then when the time comes, it is your responsibility to vote for who you want to win!

6. Torcher Parade
By far one of the most exciting events of the year is Torcher Parade! On Saturday 19th March, watch the city come alive as student groups from RGU, UoA and NESCol participate in Europe's largest student led parade all to raise money for charity. Basically student groups like societies and sports clubs sign up for a float, which on the Saturday morning students are tasked with building and designing the themed float. Then from 6pm, the students will dress up and parade down Gallowgate and then down Union Street following a procession of lit torches. It's one of the craziest, funniest, most exciting events of the year! As participant or spectator is is an event that you simply cannot miss. If you want to know more, or sign up to a float, you can contact

7. Awards Balls
Semester two is also time for all the balls! Awards balls that is! On Saturday 25th March, we're hosting our annual Student Achievement Awards Ball, where we will dish out awards to all the amazing representatives, volunteers and societies who have been pretty epic all year. Some students may also win our highest volunteering award, a full Scarlet. Then on Saturday 23rd April, it's sport's turn for the return of the legendary Blue's Awards Ball! This is the highlight of the sports year, where sports members have the chance to win a full Blue's. Even if you are not in a society or sports clubs, there are plenty of chances to dress to impress this semester!
There you go! If that's not enough to get you excited about semester two, then I don't know what will! This is only just the tip of the iceberg as there are hundreds of other things going in the next few months to keep you busy! So if you want something new to do in semester two, RGU:Union is the place to go!