RGU:Union is looking for new external Trustee to join our Board for the next three years to help develop the charity to achieve it's strategic objectives. Click to find out more.
RGU:Union is a passionate, dedicated, member-led charity which represents the students at Robert Gordon University and works to improve their experience. RGU:Union is a separate organisation to the University and we have a great opportunity for new external Trustees to join our Board and bring their experience and skills ensuring that the organisation achieves its strategic direction. The Trustee Board is comprised of elected student Presidents, elected and appointed students, a university representative and external Trustees from industry and meets four times a year to consider governance, budget and strategy for the charity. The Union is a highly impactful organisation that has a positive influence on the student experience, provides diverse extra-curricular opportunities, undertakes campaigns for change, supports student wellbeing and engages with a wide range of inspiring, hard-working students.
We are seeking candidates who are committed and enthusiastic about contributing to student life and have professional experience in areas around commercialisation and fundraising, leadership development and training, skills development, or finance and legal, however we are willing to consider applicants from all backgrounds. Applicants should have good communication skills, be creative and open minded, and have professional experience and dedication and availability to serve voluntarily on the Trustee Board for a period of two to three years. Training shall be provided to new Board members, and all those wishing to apply can find out more information and register their interest by clicking here.
Lesley Wilson, external Trustee and Chair of the Board said: "RGU:Union’s Trustee Board is now three years old, and we have worked to create a Board with a diverse mix of skills and talents. We have enthusiastic and committed student trustees and sabbatical officers, and external trustees and a University trustee, all of whom bring experience and objectivity to the Board’s decision-making. Student trustees and sabbaticals are especially important on the Board as they are so connected to the student experience. Our meetings are quarterly, last around two hours, and are lively, friendly, focused and informative."
Apply Here: https://www.rguunion.co.uk/whoweare/trustees/recruitment/
Closing Date: Friday 28th July 2017