RGU:Union is proud to annouce that we have been shortlisted for a fantastic FOUR awards at this year's NUS Scotland Conference. We were the most shortlisted higher education Union. Here are the awards we have been nominated for:
Campaign - Safe Taxi Scheme
RGU:Union launched the Safe Taxi Scheme in September 2015 as an emergency welfare provision to allow students to be able to use their student card as payment for a taxi in the case of an emergency. Since it's launch, the scheme has been well used, and has had a huge impact on the union, and community, contributiing to Aberdeen winning a 'Purple Flag' award for a safe night life.
We started the year with the challenge of having an all male executive team. Over the course of the year, we've tried to ensure that Equality and Diversity remains at the heart of what we've been doing at RGU:Union. Our developments this year have included enhancing engaement with distance learners, introducing an international representative programme and running 'women empowerment' campaign after our by-election saw two women join our executive team.
Staff Member - Stevie Kearney
The work of RGU:Union is only possible thanks to the outstanding staff members that we have. Stevie is one of them, and has been an incredible part of developments we have seen over the past years. He always goes above and beyond and works exceptionally hard for the thousands of society members and volunteers he works with everyday. He is a well respected and loved member of the team.
Officer Team of the Year
In what has been a challenging year for our officer team, RGU:Union has been able to bring about a number of changes and developments, including new representative structures, developments to space on campus, regenerating our Student Partnership Agreement and more. All of this has been possible due to the hard work and collaboration of our officer team.

RGU:Union Executive Committee 2015-2016
The final winners shall be annouced at the NUS Scotland Conference on Friday 18th March. The full list of those shortlisted can be viewed here. Well done to all the team, and best of luck at the awards!