'One RGU, Many Nations' is an annual event arranged by the Union to celebrate the many diversity cultural groups and nationalities represented across the RGU campus. We are looking for students, groups and societies to host stalls at the event to showcase your country or culture.
Stalls will be provided for many of the different nationalities present at RGU. If you would like to donate anything to represent your culture please get in touch with Vice-President International: Dami Yusuf vpinternational@rguunion.co.uk. Most importantly, if you would like to represent your culture at a stall please get in touch! You can bring to your stalls flyers, posters, pictures, clothes, snacks and more to represent your country.
If you would like to perform at this event, we want to hear from you! Every performance is welcome. Please contact Dami Yusuf with your name, country and the activity you will like to perform.
Ursula Ojiji (Student President of Communication & Democracy) prescd@rguunion.co.uk
Dami Yusuf (Student VP of International) vpinternational@rguunion.co.uk
The event is scheduled for the 29th October 2019