Some useful information for students going into exams in the coming weeks at RGU about library and catering hours, new bus services, deals and more.

It's exam time at RGU, so we wanted to give you as much helpful advice and information as possible to help you get through the next two weeks. Be sure to look after yourselves and we wish you all the very best of luck!
24 Hour Library
During the exam period, the library in the Sir Ian Wood Building shall be open for twenty four hours from the 9th - 20th January. Students will be able to use IT facilities and self-service and returns machines will be available to use. Security staff will be on duty overnight, but if you have any questions, please contact
Catering Access
While exams are on, the Costa in the Sir Ian Wood Building shall be open from 6:00am until midnight every day and Papa Johns will be open from 11:00am until midnight from Monday to Friday from the 9th - 20th January. There will also be a Flavia drinks machine free of charge from midnight until 6:00am in the Amphitheatre. Eating and drinking are not permitted in the library, and only bottled water is allowed
NEW Late Night Bus Service
RGU:Union has been able to work with First Aberdeen to introduce a new U1 late night bus service to help students get home safely and make the most of the late night library opening hours. There shall be buses leaving RGU at 00:07, 01:15, 02:15, 03:15 and 04:15 from 9th - 20th January on Monday - Friday. All student tickets, including Annual Pass, First12Week, First4Week, FirstWeek, FirstDay and concessionary tickets will be valid on the U1 service.
Therapets Return to Campus
RGU:Union's Mental Wellbeing Society with support from Canine Concern Scotland Trust are once again hosting Therapets: Paws for Stress. On Monday 9th and Thursday 12th January there will be five dogs for students to pet and destress in the Union offices on Union Way. There will be sessions from 11:30am - 12:30pm and 1:00pm - 2:00pm. Students can find out more and book in for sessions by going to
Book Study Space
If you are looking for some quiet shared study space from 9:00am - 5:00pm from Monday to Friday, then you can follow these simple steps.
Step 1. Look for space in the open access areas, such as booking rooms in the Library or Learning Centre
Step 2. Make a room booking in advance by e-mailing
Step 3. Visit the building reception and request instant quiet study space, and they will check for available rooms and make a booking for you!
Top Tips for Exam Stress
Be sure to look after yourselves during this stressful exam period. Here are some tips from your President (Education and Welfare) Kerry Harrison:
- Eat well - Nutritious food such as berries, nuts, wholegrain cereals release energy slowly
- 'Me' time - Take time out to do things you enjoy and release stress
- Minimise study chat - Hard to do, but it's stressful hearing about what your friends are doing
- Hydrate - Be sure to sip water while you study
- Know yourself - Understand the way you study and know that others are different
Grab Exam Essentials at Deeview
RGU:Union's Deeview Store has all the essentials you need right before your exam. Pop in on Union Way if you need items like: Water (£1), Pens (from 30p), Paracetamol (65p), Tissues (52p), Lockets (70p), hoodies (£20), Pick 'n' Mix (80p) and much more!
Remember the new Fit to Sit Police
Be sure to take a look at the new 'Fit to Sit Policy' which means if you undertake an assessment you have deemed yourself well enough to do so. You can read the regulations about the new policy by clicking here.