On 19th of November, students and staff from further and higher education insitutions from across the UK marched in London for the "United for Education" Demo seeking free and liberated education, supporting diversity and accessible education for all.
Demo organised by National Union of Students (NUS) and University of Colleges Union (UCU) mobilized whole nation to make a stand protesting against raising debt, cuts and fees, and to stand in solidarity with our EU and international students and staff.

There were many of us including Aberdeen students from RGU and Aberdeen University. Our powerful movement of students, staff and lectures lead the way through central London on 2.4 mile route from Park Lane to rally point at Millbank, Westminster with signs and loud chants including: “No ifs, no buts, no education cuts!”, “What do we want? Free Education! When do we want it? Now!” and many more.

On rally outside Westminster many have spoken out about government cuts and in support to unfair treatment of our Post-Brexit and International students and staff. President of NUS UK, Malia Bouattia spoke about organizing “different society, and different collective future (…) collective strength for better movement. We have a world and future to win. The task is huge, but in words of James Baldwin – Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by those who is doing it”.

Sally Hunt, General Secretary of the UCU “We stand with something bigger and better”. Vonnie Sandan, President of NUS Scotland spoke against TEF, including the words "we won’t be able to recruit the best and the brightest” and made a stand for our EU and international students and staff “We pride ourselves in Scotland about welcoming country for all”. More who voiced at the rally including Shakira Martin, Vice President of Further Education for NUS; Owen Jones, British Columnist, and international students and parents of those which were deported.
I say today, we took there a stand, but it is not the end of our fight.
- Aleksandra Koziol, RGU Student