Motion results summary from RGU:Union's Annual General Meeting for the academic year 2019-2020.
Many thanks to all students who attended the Union AGM on 18th February. A summary of the motion discussion and voting results can be found below. The Union team will now put plans in place to deliver on the below motions, with regular updates to be provided through this website and our social media channels.
MOTION 1: Bus Stop Accessibility Problem.
- The motion was passed.
MOTION 2: Library Opening-Hours during Christmas Break.
- The motion was passed.
MOTION 3: Change the AGM Motion System.
AMENDED MOTION 3: “Change the AGM Motion System and to digitise the AGM Motion voting system”
- The amended motion was passed.
MOTION 4: Access to Success
- The motion was passed.
MOTION 5: Eliminate Student Hunger and by extension Anxiety, Stress and Shame.
AMENDED MOTION 5: “Eliminate Student Hunger and by extension Anxiety, Stress and Shame and for the RGU:Union fruit bowl to be available all year-round”
- The amended motion was passed.
MOTION 6: Install Reverse Vending Machines on Campus.
- The motion was passed.
MOTION 7: RGU 20-day Feedback Policy Review.
- The motion was passed.
MOTION 8: Take Action on Road Infrastructure.
- The motion was passed.
MOTION 9: Prayer Room in the Sir Ian Wood Building.
AMENDED MOTION 9: “Multi-Faith Prayer Room in the Sir Ian Wood Building”
- The amended motion was passed.
MOTION 10: Society Productivity Suite Upgrade.
- The motion was passed.
MOTION 11: Bring Back RGU’s Social Spaces.
AMENDED MOTION 11: “Bring Back RGU’s Social Spaces and a Bar”
- The amended motion was passed.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding the AGM or any of the discussed motions, please contact Ursula Ojiji (President of Communication & Democracy)