RGU:Radio is the official student-run radio station for Robert Gordon University with shows from RGU students on music, entertainment, sport, news and more. RGU:Radio gives students the opportunity to share their passions, develop their skills, meet new people and have fun. Students can listen live to our shows below, and listen back through MixCloud!

The station has been in existence under a number of different names for many years including Radio Space and Rascal Radio, but was relaunched 9th February 2013 as RGU:Radio. Since then the station has grown and expanded, gaining a wide variety of student volunteers, listeners and supporters.
RGU:Radio aims to be a fresh, modern station for the students at RGU, with the aim of playing the songs and producing shows that reflect the interests of students. RGU:Radio is supported by the RGU Students' Union and run by student volunteers. If you want to know more about RGU:Radio or have questions, feel free to get in touch:

RGU:Radio offers a wide range of opportunities for students to volunteer with us and get involved in the station. Whether you are interested in news, music, audio production, events, marketing or more, there is a chance for you to help out with RGU:Radio.
- Presenter - Why not run your own show? Come up with an idea, think of your favourite music, and book out a regular time each week to run your show. All training will be provided.
- Producer - You could help us run the station? Look for new music, update the system, support presenters, and run the schedule.
- Promoter - Help us promote the station? Manage social media, plan events, update the website and more!
RGU:Radio Alumni
If you are thinking about getting involved with RGU:Radio, some of our past presenters and volunteers have gone on to have highly successful careers in media. Through their involvement with student radio, they were able to build and develop skills and experience which helped with their future work, examples for interviews and to stand out from the crowd. Could you be next?
Hope Webb
Current: Multimedia Reporter for Radio Forth
Previous: Presenter on RGU:Radio 2014 - 15
"I loved every minute of RGU Radio. It was the first real outlet for me to explore my passion for radio and practice my skills. There is no feeling quite like the feeling you get when you pull the fader up and you are live. To this day I still get that rush of adrenaline. Even in my work now I think back to that thrill I felt those first days on air. I can’t recommend being a part of RGU Radio enough and the opportunities it can bring you."
Ben Philip
Current: Reporter and Presenter for STV News
Previous: Presenter on RGU:Radio 2014 - 15
"Studying Journalism at RGU, getting involved with the university radio station was a natural starting point to kick-start my career within the broadcasting industry. I gained a wealth of experience, developing on-air confidence, using industry-standard equipment and working as part of a professional team. Many of today’s radio and television presenters start-off working in university stations including Radio 1’s Greg James who inspired me to get involved with RGU:Radio after I bizarrely bumped into him during a night out in Aberdeen! It’s heartening to see so many of my fellow RGU’ers going onto build successful media careers, so I would recommend those interested to take advantage of the fantastic facilities at RGU. Trust me they will ask about it during any job interview! I wish RGU:Radio all the best for the future and look forward to seeing it grow and churning out more professionals to Scotland’s dynamic media landscape?"
Phil McDonald
Current: Multimedia and Sport Reporter for Northsound 1
Previous: Station Manager for RGU:Radio 2015 - 16
"I loved my year at RGU Radio. I've no doubt at all that it helped me get started in the industry as I developed confidence in broadcasting, people management and scheduling. The chance to work alongside people with different passions to my own and help them create exciting material was the most rewarding experience. If you have even the slightest interest in radio - whatever it may be - then I would strongly recommend you work with RGU:Radio. As a former station manager I want the station to grow every year, and hopefully this can be the year where things step up another gear."