
There are always opportunities to volunteer here at RGU!

We'll keep this page updated with new opportunities as they become available. This page will list all internal volunteering opportunities with the University and the Union, to view opportunities available with our external partners click here.

For all information on these opportunities, contact Stevie Kearney, our Student Development & Volunteering Co-ordinator by emailing ext.kearney@rgu.ac.uk, calling 01224 262 265, or by popping into the Union office on University Street and we can match you up with an opportunity that suits you!




As part of our Volunteering Programme here at RGU:Union, we're looking to appoint up to six RGU students as Cultural Ambassadors.

The primary purpose of this role is to raise awareness among RGU students of local cultural activities and to encourage participation in arts and culture. This will be done by working alongside a variety of partners across the region. The main points of contact at RGU will be the Students' Union and the Cultural Animateur In Residence.

Click here to find out more about this role.




First Aid Africa (FAA) is a non-profit humanitarian organisation that aims to improve healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa. FAA Aberdeen is a society that recruits volunteers to go out to sub-Saharan Africa to teach first aid.

We are a team of dedicated students passionate about healthcare in rural communities. Whether you want to teach first aid in country; be part of our UK and society team; or even just want to know more about what we do, we would love to hear from you!

Please get in touch:

Website: http://www.firstaidafrica.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FAAAberdeen
Twitter: @firstaidafrica or #FirstAidAfrica
Email: faa@rguunion.co.uk or aberdeen@firstaidafrica.com

Online sign-up 
available here



RGU Union’s Go Green initiative has many volunteering opportunities available…

Grow your own!
Enjoy spending time outside? Passionate about the quality of your food? Then get involved with the RGU Community Garden! Plant, nurture, and harvest your own fruit and veg at our campus-adjacent allotment! Then take your produce for free, healthy, and delicious meals… Enjoy organising? How about picnics, potluck dinners, or cooking tutorials? It’s all up to you – the project is just starting, so you have the opportunity to shape how it all works. Whether you’re Aberdeen’s answer to Allan Titchmarsh or your experience is limited to growing mould in a dirty tea cup – you are all very welcome!

Hire a bike!
As part of our cycle hire scheme, we are recruiting enthusiastic people to help support the maintenance and distribution of the bikes. If you have experience at bike maintenance or want to learn more about it, just get in touch! Or maybe you would like to organise a cycle trip through the bonnie braes of Aberdeenshire? In any case, we would love to have you on board!

Become an Energy Ambassador!
As an Energy Ambassador, you will receive free training on energy surveys that identify how buildings can be made more energy efficient. In teams, you will then apply your skills by carrying out surveys on campus and in the local community. As a reward, you will receive free student membership with IEMA. No previous knowledge required!

Passion for fashion?!
Love fashion? Design? Social media? Organising events? Then get involved with the RGU Swap Shop! It’s just like a shop, but instead of paying with money, you swap something you want for something you don’t want anymore. Besides running and promoting the shop, there will be lots of possibilities to organise tea parties, craft fairs, upcycling workshops… or whatever you would like to see happen!

Happy food for happy people!
Healthy, affordable, sustainably produced food for everyone? If you want to make this happen at RGU, volunteer with the Food Co-op! A Food Co-op is an alternative way of distributing food that is run by its members for its members. This means that no big corporations make profit from your shopping. It also means that its members shape how it works. There will be many tasks for every taste, from processing orders and transporting the goods to sorting fruit and veg into individual bags and manning the collection point. Or maybe come up with exciting new recipes to inspire others…?

For more information and to get involved:

Email us! gogreen@rguunion.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter!
Friend us on Facebook!

Or just pop in and see us at our student base on University Street!


IT Helpdesk Student Ambassadors will proactively help and advise students by:

- Providing face-to-face IT support – especially regards logging into services, password problems, connecting to the wireless service (eduroam) and printing
- Assisting visitors to our permanent IT Helpdesk in ABS or to a temporary ‘pop-up’ Helpdesk that could be in the RSE, FoHSC, Scotts or Gray’s
- Ensuring all help recorded (likely via a basic paper tally)
- Have excellent customer service skills
- Motivated and able to work on own, or as a team
- Utilising their own experiences of Robert Gordon University IT Systems to enlighten new students on the IT services available

Hours: Part-time shifts of 3 or 4 hours each are available, it is flexible but hopefully covers our busiest times of the day which is usually 10am to 4pm



RGU Art and Heritage Collections have a permanent exhibition space within the Georgina Scott Sutherland Study Centre in Aberdeen Business School. During the year a series of exhibitions and activities is held in this space.

The purpose of this volunteer post is to staff the Art and Heritage Exhibition space, meeting visitors, providing information about the exhibition, associated activities, the work of the Art and Heritage Collections and gathering visitor numbers.

In addition the volunteer will undertake some market research work with visitors to establish ideas for further exhibitions and activities and to gather feedback on current exhibitions. This volunteer opportunity will provide the individual with experience of customer service, market research, and  insight to the delivery of exhibition and associated events.

A new exhibition based on the 50th Anniversary of the School of Domestic Science Alumni Association with associated activities is starting on May 10th. Curatorial Volunteers are required in the period 10th May to end of September, working for 2 to 3 hour periods once or twice per week.  Exact times and weeks worked will be by mutual agreement.

Contact Stevie at RGU:Union for more information.



Edgeworn Books is the second-hand bookshop, run by students for students, as a service provided by RGU:Union and located within their shop in Riverside East. In brief, people submit their books and choose the price that they want it sold at, and they receive 70% of that value back after a book has sold. The actual sale of the books is handled by the RGU:Union shop staff. This benefits older students as a way to recycle textbooks, and newer students by providing a cheaper option than buying new.

We’re looking for students to get involved as volunteers to help develop this successful venture. Hours are flexible and can be arranged around you and your other commitments.

The main roles are as follows:

Edgeworn Admin Volunteer
The role of the admin volunteer varies, as the work load varies throughout the year. They work with the co-ordinator to sort out a suitable time for performing duties. Peaks of donations occur at the end of each semester, and peaks of sales at the start.

Edgeworn Technical Volunteer
The technical volunteer is responsible for the actual database system itself, and implementing any changes or improvements. They generally also do some of the admin, as it helps to be aware of what challenges the other volunteers are facing on the ground.

The main duties include:

- Logging of new books into the database; labelling of new books and adding to shelves; contacting submitters to inform books are on sale (ad hoc/weekly)
- Updating database with details of sales; informing Union Finance Officer of sales; then when money is available contacting submitters to inform of money to collect (monthly).

Get in touch using the contact details above for more information on how you could get involved and build your CV and experience!