We in the Nursing Society strive to create a welcoming environment both in-person and online, creating events to aid in studies and placements. We want to foster a supportive environment for all nursing students to socialise.
As a mixture of students in all years, a lot of experience is brought into the society that is more than welcome to be shared. Should it be lessons, tips and tricks, working smart, or just stories about patient interactions, there is a lot to go around!
We are looking to arrange sessions both physically and digitally in the coming year. We all know being a student nurse is rewarding but at times challenging. This is a space to let your hair down, interact with likeminded people and be supported. We are hoping for the society to be the best it has ever been this year.
We are still looking for two roles to be filled within the committee, if you are interested please get in touch and we can tell you more about what the role involves.
Jennifer Higgins - President
Shannon Cowe - Vice President
Vacant - Treasurer
Vacant - Secretary
Grace Hepburn - Wellbeing Officer
Ciara Heather - Social media and communications officer
Lisa Campbell - Social secretary and fundraising officer
Charlotte Jenkins - Ball committee
Chloe Bishop- Ball committee
Regular events include:
Freshers Week
Nursing Society Ball
Study sessions
Sale of society merchandise