Exec Committee

As with any organisation we have a structure, and students are at the top of that structure! It is our team of elected Student Presidents and Vice Presidents (collectively called the Executive Committee) who make decisions that shape the day to day running of the Union, the campaigns we run, the events we arrange, and how the organisation develops.

The Executive Committee needs you, the students, to let them know your thoughts about the Union and about life as a student at RGU. If you have any queries or issues please don’t hesitate to speak to the team – they are here to listen and will do all they can to support you.

Feel free to stop and say "hi" if you see them around campus, or pop in to the Students’ Union offices any time.


Picture of Bryan Uyiosa Igbinigie smiling outside

Bryan Uyiosa Igbinigie
President (Communication & Democracy)

Email me!
Tel: 01224 262 295



Picture of Seth Odei Asare smiling outside

Seth Odei Asare
President (Education & Welfare)

Email me!
Tel: 01224 262 297



Picture of Abhishek Kumar smiling outside

Abhishek Kumar
President (Sport & Physical Activity)

Email me!
Tel: 01224 263 665



Agnes Balogun

Adeola Akintola
Vice President (Education)

Email me!



Mitchel Okosa

Mitchel Okosa
Vice President (Community)

Email me!



Oluwanifemi Afolayan

Oluwanifemi Afolayan
Vice President (Societies)

Email me!




Dyson Madise
Vice President (International)

Email me!



Agnes Yeboah Kwabua

Agnes Yeboah Kwabua
Vice President (Welfare)

Email me!




Jill Adam

Warren McMurray
Vice President (Sport)

Email me!



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