Candidate for the position of President (Communication & Democracy)



Student Election Manifesto Submission Form - Presidents
Agbenorwosi Rich-Doh
President (Communication & Democracy)
I have great leadership skills from my work experience as a Human Resources Manager over 12 years from different multinational companies, over 3 years experience as a Youth President in my church, and 3 years experience as a Student Mentor in a Mentorship Program with Ashesi University, Ghana. I am very passionate about people and love to see others happy and progressing. I want to see the union become more student-centric where every student feels involved and can access their leaders easily.
Student engagement and support - Attend student voice meetings to understand their concerns. Hold periodic meetings with students to account for our stewardship every semester. Create stronger relations with the City Council and community groups in students' interest. Build a strong network with the embassies with different student groups for mutual benefits. Make the union more friendly and welcoming for every student to speak up on their personal and academic challenges for advice and support.
Promote Cultural diversity and inclusivity - Encourage cultural dances on national day celebrations by various societies to promote cultural diversity, exhibition, and integration. Promote RGU-branded local dresses from different nationalities to encourage more students to buy while advertising RGU in their home countries. Lobby for other local foods to be sold in the school restaurants. Encourage students from all gender orientations and students with disability to participate in all events.
Promote good health and well-being for students - Partner with donor agencies on the government's Go-Green policy to procure 100 E-bikes and convert the current bikes in the Bike Renting Scheme into E-bikes. Lobby for more bicycle parking space on campus with a shed. Extend the current once-a-week breakfast to cover Monday to Friday. Increase the food parcel from once-a-week to twice-a-week. Encourage inter-society games every semester to promote good health and diverse social connections.
Lobby for cheaper bus fares for students. Promote cycling to school by more students. Lobby for variety and affordable meals at school restaurants. Lobby to include other local foods in the food parcel to reduce the cost of food for students. Liaise with the RGU immigration unit to provide expert advice and support for critical immigration challenges facing many international students. Lobby for carbon literacy course to be added to the school's curriculum to increase carbon handprint in RGU.

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