Candidate for the position of Vice President (Sport)



I am a 3rd year Law student and have been a member of the Cheerleading club since starting university. I am standing for the role of Vice President (Sport) because I feel sport is an important part of student life at RGU.

Personally, I wasn’t very involved with sports prior to university but the welcoming nature of my club encouraged me to give it a try, first as a recreational member then competing in my second and third years. Since then I have made many friends through my involvement with sport and this year was part of the Sport and Physical Activity Team. I have seen the benefits that participating in sport has, not just physically but mentally, this is why I am so passionate about people getting involved and joining the RGU Sport community.


Fundraising Support

If elected I will work with the President of Sport and Physical Activity and clubs to ensure everyone is confident in carrying out fundraising activities. I am aware this has been an issue in the past, particularly for smaller clubs.

I feel it is important to take a proactive and supportive approach at the start of the year and show clubs how to make a fundraising plan and get members on board early on to avoid unnecessary pressure on committees in the second semester.


Engaging with the Local Community 

This year as part of my role on SPAT, I established links with local charities in Aberdeen. This included organising a food drive for Instant Neighbour and identifying possible ways to work with Befriend a Child.

I feel it is important for us as a university to engage with local charities and groups in order to create a positive image. I will support clubs to develop all community links and look at ways these can be improved and maintained. With a positive reputation in the community, clubs will likely be able to gather more support for club fundraisers.


Promoting Wellbeing for All through Sport

I am keen to carry on the work already being done to raise awareness of Wellness/Wellbeing Ambassadors all sports clubs and to define what the role should be.

Sport at university is shown to improve student wellbeing as it gives an additional support network out with academic life. I would work with SPAT and others to encourage wider participation in sport at university especially among those who are less engaged at present.

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