Candidate for the position of President (Sport & Physical Activity)
An OPEN DOOR policy
Strong communication with all sport teams and committees
Ensuring the inclusion of everyone and encouraging participation within all sport teams
Working closely alongside RGU Sport to ensure maximisation of training times and accessibility
Creating a comprehensive calendar for planning of all clubs to ensure clubs know plans at least a week prior to scheduled events
Strengthening the sports forum to ensure each club has their say and their issues are supported and dealt with appropriately
Maximisation of the budget and ensuring clubs are getting what they want. For example Kit and Equipment
Encouraging inter-club social and fundraisers
Attracting bigger numbers to fresher fayres in order to encourage a larger involvement within the university sporting community
Supporting clubs structure and governance by providing appropriate training to strengthen committees
Regular drop in session and workshops for support on sponsorship and fundraising
Explore the potential for budgeting stronger coaches, officials and coaching qualifications for clubs