My name is Arham Aziz, and I am a Mechanical Engineering student. I am also a candidate for the position of the Students’ Union Trustee.
The RGU:Union has a trustee board, which is largely responsible for the strategic direction and financial wellbeing of the Union. Student trustees are there to provide the students’ views at this apex level: your voice!
My platform is simple: Transparency; Fidelity; and Service. Transparency is about amplified and timely access to relevant information. A lot of strides have been made in this regard, and I will strive to maintain a tradition of openness.
Fidelity is about maintaining faithfulness to our laws and conventions. The Union abides by several legal regulations, as well as its own constitution. My aim will be to ensure continuous improvement in this regard: the bar should be raised higher every day.
Service is about delivering quality for the students during their time at the university. Remember, the Union exists for you. As a student trustee, I will work to incorporate student feedback gathered via formal and informal avenues, in the wider planning framework.
So, don’t forget to log on to rguunion.co.uk between the 13th and 16th of November, and vote for me as your Students’ Union Trustee!