How to vote in this election

This year you can cast your votes in two different ways, on campus at one of our voting points or online through this website. 

Casting your votes during the day

During peak campus operating hours you can cast your votes at one of our voting points on campus. These can be found in the main reception areas of the following buildings:

  • Sir Ian Wood Building
  • Ishbel Gordon Building
  • Riverside Building
  • Grays School of Art

Our voting points will be available on Tuesday 11th March, Wednesday 12th March and Thursday 13th March, operating between 10am and 5pm. At these voting points you can pick up a copy of our Student Election Manifesto Booklet, which will help you to find out more about each of the candidates and make your mind up before casting your votes.

Casting your votes in the evening and overnight

Between 7pm and 7am during the voting period you can cast your votes online on this website at This online system will be available in the evening and overnight on Tuesday 11th March and Wednesday 12th March. You can view candidate profile pages, each containing manfiestos and introductory videos, which will help you to find out more about each of the candidates and make your mind up before casting your votes.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more please contact the Union's Student Elections team by emailing

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