STAR Awards are RGU:Union's student-led staff awards scheme, which seeks to celebrate Support and Teaching staff with Appreciation and Recognition.
The awards are a chance for students to thank staff members who go above and beyond to support them, and for staff to receive recognition from their students. The awards are open to all teaching or support staff members across the university, from lecturers, tutors, technicians, cleaners, library staff, and many more.
The awards were renamed in 2016 from 'I Love My Lecturer' awards to 'STAR Awards' to include the amazing work of the many non-teaching staff members at Robert Gordon University.
Nominations are now closed. Winners will be announced during the Star Awards ceremony on Tuesday 14th May.

Lecturer of the Year
Lecturer of the Year is presented to an academic staff member who has outstanding commitment to enhancing students’ learning and teaching. Their contribution to students’ experience of higher education has had a profound positive effect on students’ academic career and experience of RGU.
Supervisor of the Year
The Supervisor of the Year award is presented to an academic staff member who has provided outstanding support to students’ as a project or dissertation/thesis supervisor. They have developed students as researchers or project managers and provided moral support along the way.
Research Degree Supervisor of the Year
This award we are launching to celebrate outstanding achievement in the supervision of research degree students, recognising excellence and exceptional effort in the supervisory practice which we know is a significant feature at Robert Gordon University.
Personal Tutor of the Year
The Personal Tutor of the Year award is presented to an academic staff member who has demonstrated exceptional commitment and support to students and their experience at RGU. They may be allocated on a short-term basis (semester) or for the duration of a degree, they are an ongoing source of support across all modules.
Innovative Lecturer of the Year
The Innovative Lecturer of the Year Award is to recognise teaching staff who have found new and innovative ways to teach, including creative use of Moodle and student participation to improve the Student Learning Experience.
Postgraduate Choice Award
Postgraduate Choice is awarded to a member of staff who has provided outstanding support and tutoring to postgraduate students.
Online Distance Learners' Choice Award
Online Distance Learners (ODL) Choice Award is awarded to a member of staff who has provided outstanding support and tutoring to students studying through courses delivered online.
Extra-curricular Award
The Extra-curricular award recognises a member of staff who has supported and contributed to extra-curricular activities in support of the curriculum. The activities may have been student-led or staff-led, but the individual has significantly contributed and it has had a positive effect on the student experience.
Continued Excellence: Academic Staff
The Continued Excellence: Academic Staff is awarded to members of teaching staff who have previously achieved a STAR Award. This recognises the ongoing support and exceptional teaching of a staff member.

Support Staff of the Year
The Support Staff of the Year award recognises a non-academic member of staff who has gone above and beyond to support students. It can be awarded to any member of staff from the Student Life Department, Study Skills, IT, Estates, Accommodation, Careers, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, DELTA, the International Office, Admin Staff and the Students' Union.
Continued Excellence: Support Staff
The Continued Excellence: Support Staff award recognises the continuation of outstanding work a member of support staff (Student life departments, IT, Accommodation, Library etc) has provided to students. This person must have been awarded previously.

Recognition with Distinction
The Recognition Award is given to staff members with multiple nominations to celebrate the highly valuable contribution staff have made to students’ experience at RGU. This can be in a pastoral, support or teaching role.
Certificate of Recognition
The Certificate of Recognition is awarded to recognise staff who students feel have gone beyond their role to support and contribute to the Student Learning Experience.