RGU:Union Annual General Meeting
Thursday 20th February 2025 @ 5pm
Level 3, RGU Union, Riverside Building
The Union's Annual General Meeting is your opportunity to let us know your ideas to improve your student experience at RGU!
The AGM takes place in the second semester each year, and gives your Student Presidents and Vice Presidents an opportunity to update you on the projects and campaigns that they have been working on this year.

Navigate with the below links for more specific information regarding the RGU:Union AGM and if you have any questions about or require further information on the AGM then please contact the President (Communication & Democracy).

What is an Annual General Meeting?
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is really just a big meeting of students, with a fancy title. The AGM usually happens once a year and gives you an opportunity to hear directly from your Student Presidents and Vice Presidents as they update you on their most recent projects, and the campaigns they have worked on since being elected by you. They will also tell you about their plans for the rest of the year, and go through details relating to how the Union is running.
Every student at RGU is automatically a member of the Students' Union, which means you get to have a say on how your Union is run!
The AGM is a chance for RGU students to present your own ideas to us, to let us know about thoughts or suggestions that you may have about university life, vote on ideas that you agree with, ask questions to the Presidents and Vice Presidents, and help to make big decisions which will decide the direction of your Union.
What happens at the AGM?
Firstly, we count how many students are there because we need at least 60 attendees for the meeting to go ahead and to ensure your votes count. At the beginning, there will be a welcome from your Student Presidents, who will explain how the meeting works for those who haven't attended before.
After that, we will vote on a number of items, including the Union's annual accounts, and debate a number of motions (these are explained more below). You'll also have the chance to put questions to your elected Student Presidents and Vice Presidents, and will recieve updates and announcements about up and coming plans for RGU:Union.
You can find the full agenda for the meeting in our AGM booklet, which will be available to download ahead of the event.
Why should I attend the AGM?
The AGM is the most important event of our year, as it gives students the direct power to run their Students’ Union. Your elected Student Presidents and Vice Presidents work hard on your behalf throughout the year, but the AGM is where you can really take control, have your voice heard and find out exclusive information about upcoming plans of the Union.
If you are involved with the Union as a Society or Sports Club Member, Class Representative, School Officer, Equality Champion, or anything else, then it’s really important that you attend to ensure that you are happy with all the decisions being made. If there is something you’re not happy about, or want to know more about, then you can ask your Presidents and Vice Presidents at the AGM.
There will also be a prize raffle for students who attend!
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What is a motion?
A motion, very basically, is an idea. It is a line of text that asks for the Union to do something which makes a difference to student life at RGU. Your fellow students have submitted motion discussion points to the Union, and these will be open for discussion at the AGM.
Motions will be called one by one, and the student proposer will have an opportunity to speak to the audience, explaining why they think students should support their motion. Students will then be invited to argue for or against the motion, and there may be a small debate.
After the discussion, the motion will be put to a vote and attendees will cast votes FOR or AGAINST the idea or ABSTAIN. If it passes, then the motion is endorsed by the AGM and becomes RGU:Union policy!
How do I vote?
All currently enrolled students at RGU are automatically members of RGU:Union (unless you have asked not to be), we call these 'Ordinary Members' of RGU:Union. Only Ordinary Members are entitled to vote at the AGM. This year's AGM will be a hybrid event, taking place virtually and in person. Online members will be asked to log in with your designated RGU user details (your rgu.ac.uk email address).
The Chair of the meeting (one of our Student Presidents) will indicate when you should cast your vote for, against or abstain for a particular issue/motion, and the options will appear on your screen. These votes will then be counted and a decision will be made.
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