Top tips for sustainabile home living

Sometimes the smallest and simplest sustainable choices can make a big difference in helping our planet. Radar have also recommended small UK businesses to use to buy any of the items mentioned, helping lower our carbon footprint.

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Sometimes the smallest and simplest sustainable choices can make a big difference in helping our planet. Radar have also recommended small UK businesses to use to buy any of the items mentioned, helping lower our carbon footprint.


1. Plastic-free hygiene products

With many businesses now offering sustainable products, it’s never been easier to get plastic-free soaps, shampoos and conditioners. These not only are eco-friendly but we also find that they often last a lot longer too, so are much more affordable for a student budget. Radar recommends brands such as Nuddy and the Cosy Cottage Shop.


2. Lights off

As we are slowly moving forwards into the lighter evenings, use natural lighting as much as possible to reduce your electricity usage. Open curtains/blinds and let the sunshine in. If you do, however, need to use lights then remember to turn them off when you leave the room. Also try to use jumpers and blankets instead of heating as much as possible.


3. Leftovers

Rather than throwing out what you don’t eat for dinner, save the leftovers for lunch for the next day or freeze it and have it later on in the week. Having leftovers saves you food waste, money and time. When storing the food, especially if freezing, put it in a tupperware box (rather than a sandwich bag). For tupperware boxes we are in love with local business (owned by an RGU alumni student) Spruce Homeware.


4. Shop second-hand

From books to technology to clothes, buying second-hand items is a much more sustainable option than always buying new. We recommend MusicMagpie as being a fantastic source of second-hand, affordable books, DVDs, CDs and technology. As for clothes, platforms such as Depop, Vinted and Facebook Marketplace can be perfect places to find stylish, sustainable clothes.


Hopefully, these tips will help you become more eco-friendly in your everyday lifestyle. There are many great small UK businesses that focus on making sustainable products so do have a look online.


If you would like to learn more about ways to tackle climate change, then have a look at the fantastic RGU Go Green’s social media pages.



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