Morning Motivation Tips

With lockdown seeming to create a real-life Groundhog Day scenario, it’s difficult to find the determination to be productive. However, with these simple tips you’ll manage to finish your to-do list and still have time to watch an episode of your favourite series.

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On blankets there is a wooden clock on the left hand side and a cup of tea on the right-hand side

With lockdown seeming to create a real-life Groundhog Day scenario, it’s difficult to find the determination to be productive. However, with these simple tips you’ll manage to finish your to-do list and still have time to watch an episode of your favourite series. 

Today’s Top 5
Each morning select five tasks that you want to complete. Choosing a small number will mean you’re not left with a rather tedious to-do list that is demotivating when you don’t manage to finish it. Organise the list based on tasks which are most time-consuming and have the nearest deadline date. If you’re having a particularly low day then add simple tasks that will still help you, such as eating a piece of fruit, so that you can achieve your five tasks, even when you don’t feel particularly motivated. 

Quick Shower
Have a quick shower in the morning to make yourself more awake. Cold water can also help with this, if you can brave it. For days when you don’t want to get your hair wet, use a shower cap. 

Good Breakfast
Don’t skip breakfast. Instead, have a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast. If you’re not really a fan of breakfast then have a quick piece of fruit, breakfast can also be included as one of your top five tasks of the day. 
See breakfast as a time to chill before you start the day’s activities by scrolling through social media or watching a series. Once you have finished eating though do remember to continue being productive. Put your phone away and start your to-do list. 

A Brisk Walk
Getting some fresh air can help break up the day, as well as being really good both mentally and physically. Walks are a fantastic way to spend some time reflecting on tasks you’ve completed and identify what you still need to do. If a morning stroll isn’t possible, lunchtime or just before dinner are also ideal times. 

Hopefully these tips will help motivate you to have a productive day. Completing tasks from your to-do list will give you a real sense of achievement and help overcome the lockdown boredom that still looms over us. 



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