Feeling At Home and Working In Your Student Accommodation

When moving to university for the first time or coming back for another year it has always been exciting and important to make your student accommodation room somewhere you can feel at home in. But now in the time of COVID-19 your room is your classroom too! Now it's  more important than ever to make your student accommodation somewhere you can both learn and relax.

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When moving to university for the first time or coming back for another year it has always been exciting and important to make your student accommodation room somewhere you can feel at home in. But now in the time of COVID-19 your room is your classroom too! Now it's  more important than ever to make your student accommodation somewhere you can both learn and relax.

Well don’t worry - we have some tips and ideas to help you feel at home in your accommodation and separate university work from personal time, on a budget.


Step One: Separate your work space and personal space.

As tempting as it might be to roll over and dial into your online classes in bed this isn’t the best option when you’re trying to keep your university work away from your relaxing time. Separating your activates across your room will help you relax more in those areas. Dedicate a space to partaking in online classes and writing papers such as the desk in your room and/or kitchen worktop space. Using organisers such as filling draws and pots can help keep these areas clear and tidy to make your work as seamless as possible. Stationary organisation is super affordable from places like amazon and the pound shops across Aberdeen.


Step Two: Time to relax.

Once you have finished your online classes and it’s time to head back to bed for a post-class nap, comfort is obviously key. Comfy and decorative bedding is one of the best investments you can make for your student room. Being able to change up your bedding can brighten up your space and can make all the difference without breaking any rules such as damaging walls. Plus, comfy and fluffy bedding is vital for a good post-class nap.


Step Three: Personalization.

Feeling homesick at university, especially now during a world pandemic when going home for a visit is not easy, is very real. Bringing in touches of home to your room, although it is not the same as visiting, may give you comfort. Decorating your room with photos of friends, family and home is an easy and affordable way of bringing home with you to university. Most halls bedrooms have a cork board which you can pin your photos to. You also can clip them to a string of fairy lights or frame a few and hang them with command strips without damaging your walls. You can print out photos at supermarkets using their prints machine or order them online from your phone, there are many free prints websites where you just pay postage.


Step Four: Soft Furnishings.

Soft furnishings (like cushions and blankets), although not a necessity, are super homey, adding a few throw cushions to your bed or desk chair along with a blanket and a small rug can make any room feel like home. You can even add in a matching bath mat to your bathroom. All of these items can be purchased on a student budget, supermarket homeware is super underrated and affordable! And even better, you can buy it all to match and take it with you when you get to go home!




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